
Saturday, August 14, 2010

are birthmarks genetic

are birthmarks genetic

Early signs of melanoma are changes in shape or color of existing moles. Metastasis as the first symptom of melanoma is possible, but, fortunately, less than one fifth of melanomas are diagnosed at an early stage of melanoma is genetically heterogeneous metastasierendem.Familiäres, and places of familial melanoma have been identified on arms chromosomes 1p, 9p and 12q. The multiple tumor suppressor 1 (CDKN2A/MTS1) gene encodes p16INK4a – a low inhibitor protein molecular weight cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) – which the p21 region of human chromosome 9 were diagnosed ist.Heute localized melanoma only after they become visible on the skin. Recent genetic advances promise to help doctors identify people at high risk genotypes and to determine the lesions of a person the best chance of cancer EuroMillions number of rare mutations, which often run in families known to increase significantly their susceptibility to melanoma. People with mutations in the MC1R gene, for example, develop three fifty-eight times more frequent than the melanoma with two copies of wild type gene. MC1R mutations are very common, yes, all people with red hair have a mutated copy of the gene Gens.Zwei models of melanoma risk have already been created, and in the future, researchers hope to models in genomics, enabling them to patients, the risk of melanoma in the creation genotype predict. Recent clinical studies have established the ability of the active ingredient in skin moles NeviCurative effectively eradicated and affect the growth of human melanoma cells. It consists of certified organic plant extracts, such as their ability, melanoma and tumors of the skin showed laboratory tests which included the eradication. are birthmarks genetic

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