
Monday, July 5, 2010

With a maximum depth of only about 46 feet (14 m), the Azov is the world's shallowe.... sea gulf

Vast quantities of silt are brought down by the Don and Kuban rivers, so that in the Taganrog Gulf in the northeast, the sea's depth is 3 feet (1 m) or less. The discharge of these rivers ensures that the sea's waters are low in salinity, being almost fresh in the Taganrog Gulf. The Sea of Azov's north, east, and west shorelines are low and have long sandspits and shallow gulfs and lagoons in various stages of silting up. The Sea of Azov is rich in marine life as a result of its shallowness, the excellent mixing and even warming of the water, and the input of great quantities of nutrient material by the rivers. The Sea of Azov handles much freight and passenger traffic, although the progress of heavy oceangoing craft is hampered by shallowness at some points. MLA style: "Azov, Sea of."

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