
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

During the Eocene Epoch (57.8 to 36.6 million years ago), gars lived in Europe as well as i.... gar, appli

The eggs are laid in shallows in the spring; the hatchlings grow remarkably fast, feeding from the start on the hatchlings of other fish and even minnows, and soon become such voracious predators that measures are often applied to reduce their numbers. The alligator gar, reaching a length of about 3 m (10 feet), is one of the largest of all freshwater fishes. Gars are edible but are almost never eaten in the central and northern United States. Especially in Europe, the name gar, or garfish, or gar pike, is applied to the ( q.v. APA style: gar. gar, appli

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